Thursday, October 28, 2010

My One Handicap

       In this vast world, there are many things that people would be afraid of. But most of the time, it is not a physical object that inhibits our ability to accomplish goals, and is rather an abstract thought or feeling. I am not afraid of darkness, nor am I really afraid of animals and the like. Instead, I fear something that is often overlooked, and something that is not easily identified. The one thing I fear is arrogance; in both myself and others, I fear this emotion that has accumulated throughout my life and continues to haunt me to this very day.
       Arrogance is a natural emotion that we feel, and yet it is something that will undoubtedly hinder us in one way or another. I am a person that also fears ignorance, but ignorance is something that can be cured with enough study and motivation. Arrogance, however, is something that we gain as we continue to pursue knowledge and is very difficult to ignore or conquer. But many people have different views on arrogance, and some say that it is not a vice, and may be in fact a boon. Looking at facts however, I completely disagree and think that arrogance will carve out the path to our downfall. As humans get better, they naturally think of themselves as better as well. However, humans would sometimes be narcissistic to the point that they think of themselves as the best in the world, as something that they clearly are not. Resulting from this, they revere themselves until they enter a delusion and do not face reality when they finally fail in accomplishing a task. They will then come up with other-worldy excuses and try to explain, without letting go of the thought that they are the best on the Earth, their loss. I fear this; never do I want to see myself as the best, and always would I want to see myself as a challenger; I want to view myself as one that is worse than others, for it gives me motivation from the sense of competition involved. By deluding reality, we also lose the sense of defeat and will to win against others. The reason that many people learn best from mistakes and losses is because they feel defeated, and feel the desire to retake the challenge and win. When one is arrogant, one completely loses this sense of loss, and does not think of one's defeat as a real one. Thus, one does not learn and continues to act arrogantly, never finding an escape to their delusions. I fear arrogance greatly because it would not only deteriorate my lifestyle, but would also cause my motivations to crumble down. I fear that my arrogance will continue to grow, and will not only be a large burden on my studies, but also cause me to be a person that is extremely ill-mannered and degrading of others.


  1. Hey Francis!
    Your post seems relatable. Arrogance is something that is frowned upon in north american society. It's evident that we have natural tenancies to become so self absorbed and egoistic.Fortunately, in our culture, humility is valued and is a well respected quality. However, I really don't feel that arrogance is something you should fear about. In my point of view, we strive to gain respect and praise from people. I'm not suggesting a cure to your fear. But I think that if you focus on society's view on arrogance, you'll eventually grow out of this fear. The idea of arrogance may disgust you when you think about it. People in history such as dictators and kings were extremely arrogant. It didn't seem to turn out so good for them. Hitler was unsuccessful and committed suicide. Napoleon was unsuccessful after his military force failed in Russia. Louis XVI lived a lavish, inconsiderate lifestyle and was eventually executed. You see, arrogance is something you'll become disgusted with. My suggest, don't worry about it, focus on humility and find out how it will be beneficial to you.

  2. Hey Francis!

    I really enjoyed reading your post just now.

    I agree that arrogance is negative. Arrogant people cannot refine or improve themselves because they develop a mentality that they are superior to others. Any flaws that they may have will be overlooked, and they will not find a need to change themselves in any way because they deem themselves perfect. When people are open and aware of their mistakes they can upgrade themselves. Knowledge is endless, therefore learning is as well. Arrogance is definitely frowned upon whereas humbleness is always admired. People are more likely to respect a humble person than an arrogant person even if they possess the same set of skills.

    However, I think that a toned down version of arrogance, confidence, is good. When people lack confidence, it also hinders them in their everyday lives. Unconfident people may be afraid to take risks, and staying in the comfort zone limits people’s ability to reach their full potential.
